C2 W4 Practice Lab exercise 3 assertion error


I got a strange error there, the computed information matches to the expected output, but still the unit test fails. However exercise 4, which builds on top of exercise 3, works perfectly fine. Here’s the output:

Information Gain from splitting the root on brown cap: 0.034851554559677034
Information Gain from splitting the root on tapering stalk shape: 0.12451124978365313
Information Gain from splitting the root on solitary: 0.2780719051126377

AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
—> 11 compute_information_gain_test(compute_information_gain)

~/work/public_tests.py in compute_information_gain_test(target)
101 node_indexes = list(range(4))
102 result = target(X, y, node_indexes, 0)
→ 103 assert np.isclose(result, 0.311278, atol=1e-6), f"Wrong information gain. Expected {0.311278} got: {result}"
105 result = target(X, y, node_indexes, 1)

AssertionError: Wrong information gain. Expected 0.311278 got: 0.44902249956730633

Expected Output:

Information Gain from splitting the root on brown cap: 0.034851554559677034
Information Gain from splitting the root on tapering stalk shape: 0.12451124978365313
Information Gain from splitting the root on solitary: 0.2780719051126377


I got your message, I’ll take a look

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Thanks a lot for the support. Was my mistake. I assumed my code would be correct since all three expected outputs matched, but there was still a flaw.