C2 week2 lab

Batch Data Processing from an API

In this lab, you will learn how to interact with an API and then create a script that ingests the data from the API .

Where can i see the code for the pagination I spent a week on this it keeping giving me zero for all the pagination?

Hello @T_Goldson,
Do you get offset 0 in paginated_featured_playlists after each iteration? Could you check in the exercise 1 get_featured_playlists, you need to set url=request_url when you Perform a GET request using the request_url and headers

I did i am still getting all zero.

And now the s3 buckets are not saving

I have the same problem, the offset doesn’t increase.

Is it just me? or is the lab broken? (maybe the spotify API changed)

Hello @T_Goldson ,
Sorry for the incovenience, I can see the lab is working properly but make sure you have the correct outputs and saved the notebook before you run the last cell to be graded.

I am using my old developer ID/secret and the offset is working fine. If your offset is not increasing when you use paginated_featured_playlists .The issue must be in exercise 1 get_featured_playlists function check the output of playlists_response: the next field should be a url and previous is None(the other way around with last_playlists_response). Then it goes from offset to offset +limit with each next_playlists_response.

Thanks for soon response, I could finish the lab.

The error was: url=request_url

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