Hi everybody,
I’m stuck on this assignment and would really appreciate your help.
I wrote all required code snippet, all tests passed, the output is as was expected.
When I send it in for evaluation, the following message appears for the split_data function:
Failed test case: failed to omit zero-length image. Tested with 6 images (one of zero length).
5 files copied,
but got:
4. //why would my code copy only four?
Failed test case: incorrect number of training images when using split of 1.0 and a total of 123 images.
but got:
110. // why would 13 files disappear?
Failed test case: incorrect number of training images when using split of 0.5 and a total of 123 images.
a value close to 61 with absolute tolerance of +/- 1,
but got:
Failed test case: incorrect number of validation images when using split of 0.5 and a total of 123 images.
a value close to 61 with absolute tolerance of +/- 1,
but got:
Failed test case: incorrect number of (training, validation) images when using a split of 0.5 and 12 images (6 are zero-sized).
(3, 3),
but got:
(5, 1).
What did my program do? Why on earth does it leave out more files, when it works fine with the cats-and-dogs-set?
I hope somebody will see the numbers and get a beautiful-mind-moment, because I cannot post my code here - and numbers do not speak to me…
I appreciate the help!