C2W3 Assignment: great_expectations.yml file not as stated

In the great_expectations.yml file there are no placeholders GX-ARTIFACTS-BUCKET or GX-ARTIFACTS-BUCKET as stated in the notebook instructions

classroom item link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/source-systems-data-ingestion-and-pipelines/gradedLti/9h6IW/graded-programming-assignment-3-testing-data-quality-with-great-expectations

For example the notebook states the expectations_store block should be:

class_name: ExpectationsStore
store_backend: GX-ARTIFACTS-BUCKET
class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
prefix: expectations/

But in my file it is:

class_name: ExpectationsStore
class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
base_directory: expectations/

The S3_site block is missing completely, instead I have:

class_name: SiteBuilder
# set to false to hide how-to buttons in Data Docs
show_how_to_buttons: true
class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
base_directory: uncommitted/data_docs/local_site/
class_name: DefaultSiteIndexBuilder

Could you please provide me with the correct .yml file as I cannot proceed with the assignment.

Hello @NB987
You are supposed to replace the sections with the provided values. For example, the expectations_store key should be completely substituted with the following values from the instructions in step 1.3.

After substituting the keys, you should replace the <GX-ARTIFACTS-BUCKET> placeholder with the value from your CloudFormation outputs.

As for the S3_site block, remove the local_site key and all its children and replace it with the following from the instructions.

Again, you need to replace the placeholder <GX-DOCS-BUCKET>.

Hope this helps.

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