The evaluation cell is passing eval_task as list and in training loop, eval_tasks argument takes a evaluation class list object. That’s why passed it directly. Do I need to change anything in my code?
Here your error is "Incompatible shapes (16, 13) and (15, 2). What it probably means, that you made a mistake in previous exercises (most probably Exercise 02 with data_generator function or less likely with with Exercise 4 with Dense layer. Please check if you pass your tests for these exercises.
You forgot to pass an axis for the tl.Mean() layer in UNQ C5, that is the reason you get Incompatible shapes error.
tl.Mean: Calculates means across an axis. In this case, please choose axis = 1 to get an average embedding vector (an embedding vector that is an average of all words in the vocabulary).
P.S. Please remove solution code image from first post. Thank You.
Thanks @arvyzukai . It worked. I was able to submit the assignment successfully. I tried to delete the snapshot. It seems like I can’t modify a post when it’s a start of a thread. Neither can delete it because of permission. If you have permission please delete the snapshot. Thank you again for the help!