C3W2_Assignment Unable to run setup_jupyter (no url generated)

In the assignment when I run the line " source scripts/setup_jupyter_env.sh" I get the console output “bash: export: `vpc-05e5878aded429126’: not a valid identifier” and no jupyter url is generated.

I believe this is due to in the vpc list it shows 3 vpcs instead of just the 1:

only 1 vpc has the option of public subnet so I tried to use that but then the jupyter setup script fails with error


Hello @NB987
From time to time it happens that the environment creation hits a bug, and as a result you see two VPCs with the same name, in this case de-c3w2a1. Please, try again in a fresh lab start and make sure to choose the VPC with the mentioned name. I don’t think it will occur again.

Hi Amir,

Thanks for the response. It have run 3 fresh labs so far (as I have been taking my time and exceeding the 2 aws hours allotted) and this bug seems to occur every other time I start a new lab. Wanted to flag that just incase its worth investigating.

I have started a fresh lab (4th fresh lab) and it seems to be fine so I should be good to complete the assignment now.

Hello again @NB987
Thank you for reporting this. We are making some changes to the labs, and hopefully this issue will be resolved too in the new versions.

Hi @Amir_Zare,

This issue has not been resolved I have exactly the same problem as NB987.
It would be appreciated if there was a way to solve the problem.

Hello @laacdm
Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please try again in a fresh lab start? The issue probably won’t happen in the new session.

Hello @Amir_Zare your suggestion solved the problem thank you.