C3W2 resource "aws_glue_job" "ratings_to_iceberg_job" not in glue.tf

resources in the file:
resource “aws_glue_connection” “rds_connection”
resource “aws_glue_job” “rds_ingestion_etl_job”
“aws_glue_job” “bucket_ingestion_etl_job”

I tried re downloading the file with aws s3 cp --recursive s3://dlai-data-engineering/labs/c3w2a1-348239/terraform/modules/transform_etl/glue.tf ./ but it was no different.

Hello @drl,
Those two jobs are in the glue.tf file in the terraform/modules/landing_etl in the ingestion stage. The ratings_to_iceberg_job should be in the transformation stage. You should find a different glue.tf file in the terraform/modules/transform_etl directory, if you scroll down in step 4.2.3 after the other two transform jobs. The ratings_to_iceberg_job should be there:
Thank you