C3W4_Assignment.ipynb GRADED FUNCTION: n_gram_seqs -how to get this to return tf.int64 tensors

assignment: https://www.coursera.org/learn/natural-language-processing-tensorflow/programming/GkEhd/predicting-the-next-word

If i follow the examples in the course (labs 1& 2), i can get this function to return a list but not a list of tf.int64 tensors.
Am i supposed to be doing some for of conversion inside this function? Am i supposed to be using tf.convert_to_tensor?? There is no examples of the use of this function in the course

and just to add…Compared to the expected output, my function does not have this text:

[<tf.Tensor: shape=(2,), dtype=int64, numpy=array([

However the content or the array appears correct.

Hi, are you working on the n_gram_seqs function?

Yes thats the one. Is there any reference you could point me to, to convert this to the correct type? Many thanks

i fluked the answer myself. I removed the .numpy() function where i defined a sequence . All examples in the course used this function, so i dont know why we dont use it in this exercise, but once removed, the expected output and actual output were identical. Thank you.!


Good to know. It’s due to the expected returned output. It was specified in the function definition. The assignments try to add another dimension, so the learner can think a bit, and it’s not just copy paste.


well it certainly got me on the copy&paste error! Guilty as charged! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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