I am trying to makes sense of vector and matrix dimensions for ungraded Lab 1.
Under section 1: Calculating alignment scores
1st question:
“n is the hidden dimension size”. Does that imply vectors s and h are in R^n? If so, the matrix multiplication Ws and Uh are not defined, as W and H are nxm matrices. Perhaps s and h are in R^m so this matrix multiplication works?
2nd question:
Near the bottom of the diagram is listed “Dense(2m,n)”. Assuming s and h are in R^m, I believe this should be Dense(n,2m). The matrices W and H are stacked side-by-side: [W|H] to create a nx2m matrix. This is multiplied by the vector [s|h]^T in R^2m to produce [W|H][s|h]^T = Ws + Uh.
Please let me know if I am correct, or if I’m missing something.
Thank you.