C4_W2_Assignment.ipynb KeyError: "['product_information'] not in index"

In 4.1 - Split Data, it say as following
Now, that you have your dataset processed, you are going to split it into three subdatasets. The first one will contain all the information about the user’s review and product features, except the reviewtext and product_information columns;

BUT it didn’t have this column before, it let me can’t go way next step

Hello @Benjaminfcwu,
Could you check you didn’t rerun 4.1 cell a second time. You create product_information back in 3.3.2 and reviewtextin 3.3.1 after you clean_text. Since you try to drop a second time those columns you will get this error:

Could you try to rerun all the cells from 3.2 and make sure when you split salesRank column into two new columns: use sales_category as key and sales_rank as value. Hope it helps

thanks a lot, you’re right! it seems that I did the previous cell again and cause that.