Can any body help me with this issue?
I used dill as pickle but it cause the following error. I also tried either pickle, and _pickle
Thanks for reporting this. I’ve asked the staff to fix the lab.
Is there any update regarding this error? I’m having the same problem
Please see this topic. Talk to coursera help center about pausing your billing if interested.
Hi everyone! Welcome to the community and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are looking into this issue and will fix the lab asap. In the meantime, kindly move on to the next section of the course. Will update this thread as soon as the lab is fixed. Also, don’t worry about losing access to this particular optional Colab because it will still be available even after you’ve completed the course.
Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay. The lab is now back online. Kindly reopen the link from your classroom. Thanks!