
Hello, everyone,
I have a problem with the compute_content_cost function. I get a name error: : name n_c is not defined.

Since I am following the instructions in the description of this exercise exactly, I do not understand how this error can occur.

I use tf.reshape (a_C, shape = [ _, -1, n_C ]). I don’t use an “m” here because there is no m in the given code. Otherwise I get the error message that “m” does not exist.

Can someone help me solve this problem?

Hi @Daniel2412,

Can you share your lab ID with me ? In the assignment, when you click the top right “Help” button, a panel will open and your lab ID will be shown at the bottom.

I shall take a look.

When you reply back, kindly tag me in the post so that I’m notified.


Hi, the id is: ojfeqbco

Done. I have found my error.