C4 Week 2 C4W2_Assignment

I am trying to solve C4 Week 2 NLP assignment where I am having trouble getting the right output from block 2. I am taking the output of block 1 and setting it as input to block 2. So block 2 now has as input Q1 from the first block and K and V from the encoder. I think I am doing the right thing but the output is in error as follows

In the test your function block all results are right except the last one
My output:
Using embedding_dim=12 and num_heads=16:

q has shape:(1, 15, 12)
Output of encoder has shape:(1, 7, 8)

Output of decoder layer has shape:(1, 15, 12)
Att Weights Block 1 has shape:(1, 16, 15, 15)
Att Weights Block 2 has shape:(1, 16, 15, 15) ← incorrect output line

Correct output line should be:
Att Weights Block 2 has shape:(1, 16, 15, 7)

Here is the relevant part of the code I am running. Can someone please point out what my error is:

It results in the output as follows:
The output of test_decoder_layer() is as follows
enc_output.shape=(1, 3, 4)
Q1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
mult_attn_out1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
enc_output.shape=(1, 3, 4)
Q1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
mult_attn_out1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
Failed test case: Wrong values in ‘attn_w_b2’. Check the call to self.mha2.
Expected: [0.34003818, 0.32569194, 0.33426988]
Got: [0.331976 0.331976 0.336048]

Failed test case: Wrong values in ‘out’.
Expected: [1.1810006, -1.5600019, 0.41289005, -0.03388882]
Got: [ 1.571806 -1.1318253 0.05532974 -0.49531013]

Failed test case: Wrong values in ‘out’ when we mask the last word. Are you passing the padding_mask to the inner functions?.
Expected: [1.1297308, -1.6106694, 0.32352272, 0.15741566]
Got: [ 1.5595117 -1.146292 0.08369908 -0.496919 ]

I dont think I am applying the input of block 2 properly but I am unable to understarnd why.
Thank you for your help

10 minutes after I pasted this question I found the answer. Turns out that I was not passing the encoder output to the second layer.

These lines
K_enc = (codes removed by moderator)
V_enc = (codes removed by moderator)

should be
K_enc = (codes removed by moderator) refer the correct argument call to make correction
V_enc = (codes removed by moderator) refer the correct argument call to make correction

Good results now
Att Weights Block 2 has shape:(1, 16, 15, 7)


enc_output.shape=(1, 3, 4)
Q1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
mult_attn_out1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
enc_output.shape=(1, 3, 4)
Q1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
mult_attn_out1.shape=(1, 3, 4)
All tests passed! <---- all good

Hello @Siddharth_Madiwale

Congratulation on being able to debug your codes, but kindly from future refrain from sharing any part of the codes which grades your assignment. It is against community guidelines and your membership could have effect if you are not following Code of Conduct.

Kindly use the Edit pin and remove any part of the codes you have shared.


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I’m sorry about pasting my assignment code. I will be more careful in the future.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention

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