C4W2 assignment: problem with submission

I finished the assignment and passed all the unit tests, but when submitting the assignment, receiving the following error for all the blocks:

There was a problem compiling the code from your notebook. Details:
Exception encountered when calling layer ‘softmax_3’ (type Softmax).

{{function_node _wrapped__AddV2_device/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0}} Incompatible shapes: [1,2,2,150] vs. [1,1,1,2] [Op:AddV2] name:

Even for the scaled dot product attention where the solution is exactly the same as the lab solution, the same problem happens. Can someone help me understand why?

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Passing the tests in the notebook does not prove your code is perfect. The notebook’s test only cover some fundamentals.

The grader uses different tests.

That sounds like the same problem discussed on this thread from back in January. There is an answer at the end of the thread.


Thanks, it worked.

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That’s good news! Thanks for confirming. Of course the real thanks goes to Arvydas, who provided the answer on that other thread. :+1:

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