#C4W2_Assignment Transformer Summarizer

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    {Moderator edit, removed attached notebook}
    please check once I am getting not any error but after submitting task
    it is written there,
    There was a problem compiling the code from your notebook. Details:
    name ‘DecoderLayer’ is not defined

please reply my task has been already overdue

The proper way to request help is to clearly describe the problem and include screenshots of any errors or messages you encounter. It’s important not to share code notebooks publicly. If a mentor needs to see your notebook to assist you, they will provide guidance on how to share it privately to maintain academic integrity. It appears that some modifications may have been made to your notebook. I suggest starting with a fresh copy and attempting the assignment again, making sure to only work in the designated sections for the tasks.

Thank you Mr. Lukmanaj

not defined error is usually because either you have not the run down Recalled decoderlayer cell, or either edited something in that cell, like def statement changed.

As moderator mentioned you can grab a fresh latest copy, but make sure this time mentions or write codes only between ###START AND END CODE HERE###

No other changes should be made anywhere in the whole assignment.

Make sure you have run down all the cell one by one, and make sure your kernel’s connected before you run the cell

if you have still encountered any error, then share a screenshot of the error rather than posting any codes/notebooks on public post.

Thanks Deepti

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