C4W4_Capstone_Project1_Transformation Jobs Failing

Both Glue Jobs for the Transformation zone are failing for me.

For the de-c4w4a1-songs-transform-job, I keep getting the error:ValueError: time data ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ does not match format ‘%Y-%m-%d’. I think it has something to do with the ingest_date format in the glue.tf file (lines 26 and 67).

In the de-c4w4a1-json-transform-job, the error says: NameError: name ‘users_df’ is not defined.

I am not sure what is happening. Would appreciate any help.


It is mentioned in a notebook what values should have been inserted as replacement of ‘YYYY-mm-dd’

Hello @Ishani_Ghosh,
Perhaps this post could help you. The problem could be on the current pacific time in terraform/modules/transform_job/glue.tf or a method in step 4.2.1 .py files