C4W4 Practive visualization lab w/dbt - analytical models created in the incorrect schema

I’m working on the dbt + superset visualization lab, and seeing the following problem. When running the dbt run -s analytical_views command, my views are created in the classicmodels schema, not the classicmodels_star_schema, as expected, and displayed in the notebook as the result. My code looks correct - I’m using jinja templating with {{var("star_schema")}} in both of the .SQL files created (annual_sells_per_office_view.sql, avg_sells_per_product_line_view.sql)

The models are both defined in the schema.yml file of that folder, and not the star_schema folder, which does seem like a problem - but this came directly from the instructions. Is this incorrect?

Hello @marinaganopolsky

If the views are created in the classicmodels schema and not the classicmodels_star_schema, you won’t be able to run the cells in part 2.3.2 unless you replace classicmodels_star_schema with classicmodels. Is that so?
I just tried the lab, and the views were created in the right schema. There are multiple points I suggest you check to see what’s the problem.

  1. In the dbt_project.yml file, when you add the analytical_views key from step 2.1.6, this key should be under classicmodels_modeling.
  2. in the same file, we have defined +schema: star_schema for the analytical views, and at the top of the file we have star_schema: classicmodels_star_schema. This should be the default configuration. Have you by any chance changed anything else in this file?
  3. The three files you create, namely the two SQL files and the schema.yml file, must be in the classicmodels_modeling/models/analytical_views/ directory.

Lastly, since this is a practice lab, you can always download the solution files using the aws s3 cp --recursive s3://dlai-data-engineering/labs/c4w4lab1-161502-solution/ ./ command from your terminal. You can crosscheck your files with these ones and see if there are any mismatches.
Hope this helps.