For djmodel(). check these common issues:
- slicing X correctly.
- using the “reshaper()” and “densor()” functions with the appropriate arguments.
- used LSTM_cell() with the appropriate “inputs=” and “initial_state=[… ]” arguments.
For music_inference_model(), the common errors are:
- Instruction 2.D tells you for argmax, use the arguments ‘out’ and ‘axis=-1’, and it says for onehot to use the arguments ‘x’ and ‘depth=n_values’.
- Instruction 2.E gives you the exact code to use for RepeatVector.
For the inference_model = Model(…):
- Step 3 says to use the initial values that were created earlier in the function. Those arguments go inside the square brackets. And use “outputs=outputs”.
For predict_and_sample()
- In Step 2, use “axis=-1”.
- In Step 3, use n_values for the number of classes.
After all that, if you still get an error about a layer having “multiple inbound nodes”, then try…
- save your notebook.
- go to the “Kernel” menu in the Notebook, and reset the kernel.
- then from the “Cell” menu, re-run all of the cells.
This often seems to clear errors that you’ve fixed but the kernel hasn’t noticed.