Week 1 assignment 3 exercise 1 djmodel

Getting the following error : Please help
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 model = djmodel(Tx=30, LSTM_cell=LSTM_cell, densor=densor, reshaper=reshaper)

in djmodel(Tx, LSTM_cell, densor, reshaper)
42 x = Lambda(lambda x: X[:,t,:])(X)
43 # Step 2.B: Use reshapor to reshape x to be (1, n_values) (≈1 line)
—> 44 x = reshapor(x)
45 # Step 2.C: Perform one step of the LSTM_cell
46 a, _, c = LSTM_cell(x, initial_state=[a, c])

NameError: name ‘reshapor’ is not defined

use reshaper in code…

The function is called “reshaper()”.
Not “reshapor()”.

It is correct in the instructions.