Getting valueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (5,10) to shape (3,10) at line a[:,:,t]=a_next. I know that a_next is 2D vector, but could someone help me on this whats wrong with this line?
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Getting valueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (5,10) to shape (3,10) at line a[:,:,t]=a_next. I know that a_next is 2D vector, but could someone help me on this whats wrong with this line?
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There’s nothing wrong with that line.
Maybe your a_next value is incorrect.
Please don’t post your code on the Forum.
Thanks, I figured out what was wrong with a_next value.
I am also facing the same problem. Could you help me out?
Please create a new post and share your full error…
Thanks, I figured out where the error was.