C5_W4_A1_Ex- 8_Transformer_UNQ_C8_Wrong values


I spent 5 hours through this assignment, BY FAR the most time I’ve spent on any assignment. And I’m stuck at the very last exercise for Transformer call. Here is the error

AssertionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-a562b46d78e0> in <module>
      1 # UNIT TEST
----> 2 Transformer_test(Transformer, create_look_ahead_mask, create_padding_mask)

~/work/W4A1/public_tests.py in Transformer_test(target, create_look_ahead_mask, create_padding_mask)
    286     assert np.allclose(translation[0, 0, 0:8],
    287                        [0.017416516, 0.030932948, 0.024302809, 0.01997807,
--> 288                         0.014861834, 0.034384135, 0.054789476, 0.032087505]), "Wrong values in translation"
    290     keys = list(weights.keys())

AssertionError: Wrong values in translation

Others have reported the same error , and it seemed like there could be multiple reasons causing the same error. But unfortunately I can’t figure out my reason here. It’s driving me nuts!!

Also I’m quite confused about the output_sequence argument defined in call(). Is this argument ever used at all? Based on the code below, it seems like enc_output (instead of output_sequence) is used as input for self.decoder. Right? So output_sequence is useless here?

    def call(self, input_sentence, output_sentence, training, enc_padding_mask, look_ahead_mask, dec_padding_mask):

        # call self.encoder with the appropriate arguments to get the encoder output
        enc_output = self.encoder(...  , ...  , ...)  # (batch_size, inp_seq_len, fully_connected_dim)
        # call self.decoder with the appropriate arguments to get the decoder output
        # dec_output.shape == (batch_size, tar_seq_len, fully_connected_dim)
        dec_output, attention_weights = self.decoder(... , ... , ... , ... , ...)
        # pass decoder output through a linear layer and softmax (~2 lines)
        final_output = self.final_layer(...) # (batch_size, tar_seq_len, target_vocab_size)
        # END CODE HERE

Could someone PLEASE help out here?



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The variable is “output_sentence”. Yes, you must use it.

However, twice your post mentions “output_sequence”.

1 Like

Not following here. So enc_output generated by self.encoder is not used in downstream functions at all?!

Also when I use output_sentence, it actually gives rather long error

InvalidArgumentError                      Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-26-a562b46d78e0> in <module>
      1 # UNIT TEST
----> 2 Transformer_test(Transformer, create_look_ahead_mask, create_padding_mask)

~/work/W4A1/public_tests.py in Transformer_test(target, create_look_ahead_mask, create_padding_mask)
    276         enc_padding_mask,
    277         look_ahead_mask,
--> 278         dec_padding_mask
    279     )

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1010         with autocast_variable.enable_auto_cast_variables(
   1011             self._compute_dtype_object):
-> 1012           outputs = call_fn(inputs, *args, **kwargs)
   1014         if self._activity_regularizer:

<ipython-input-25-b6f931f18c1e> in call(self, input_sentence, output_sentence, training, enc_padding_mask, look_ahead_mask, dec_padding_mask)
     56         # call self.decoder with the appropriate arguments to get the decoder output
     57         # dec_output.shape == (batch_size, tar_seq_len, fully_connected_dim)
---> 58         dec_output, attention_weights = self.decoder(input_sentence, output_sentence, training, look_ahead_mask, dec_padding_mask)
     60         # pass decoder output through a linear layer and softmax (~2 lines)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1010         with autocast_variable.enable_auto_cast_variables(
   1011             self._compute_dtype_object):
-> 1012           outputs = call_fn(inputs, *args, **kwargs)
   1014         if self._activity_regularizer:

<ipython-input-21-f53458caddd8> in call(self, x, enc_output, training, look_ahead_mask, padding_mask)
     65             # of block 1 and 2 (~1 line)
     66             x, block1, block2 = self.dec_layers[i](x, enc_output, training,
---> 67                                                  look_ahead_mask, padding_mask)
     69             #update attention_weights dictionary with the attention weights of block 1 and block 2

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1010         with autocast_variable.enable_auto_cast_variables(
   1011             self._compute_dtype_object):
-> 1012           outputs = call_fn(inputs, *args, **kwargs)
   1014         if self._activity_regularizer:

<ipython-input-19-aacd2de2cc50> in call(self, x, enc_output, training, look_ahead_mask, padding_mask)
     60         # Dropout will be applied during training
     61         # Return attention scores as attn_weights_block2 (~1 line)
---> 62         mult_attn_out2, attn_weights_block2 = self.mha2(query=Q1, value=enc_output, key=enc_output, attention_mask = padding_mask, training = training, return_attention_scores=True)  # (batch_size, target_seq_len, d_model)
     64         # apply layer normalization (layernorm2) to the sum of the attention output and the output of the first block (~1 line)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1010         with autocast_variable.enable_auto_cast_variables(
   1011             self._compute_dtype_object):
-> 1012           outputs = call_fn(inputs, *args, **kwargs)
   1014         if self._activity_regularizer:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/multi_head_attention.py in call(self, query, value, key, attention_mask, return_attention_scores, training)
    467     # `key` = [B, S, N, H]
--> 468     key = self._key_dense(key)
    470     # `value` = [B, S, N, H]

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/engine/base_layer.py in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1010         with autocast_variable.enable_auto_cast_variables(
   1011             self._compute_dtype_object):
-> 1012           outputs = call_fn(inputs, *args, **kwargs)
   1014         if self._activity_regularizer:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/layers/einsum_dense.py in call(self, inputs)
    200   def call(self, inputs):
--> 201     ret = special_math_ops.einsum(self.equation, inputs, self.kernel)
    202     if self.bias is not None:
    203       ret += self.bias

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/util/dispatch.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    199     """Call target, and fall back on dispatchers if there is a TypeError."""
    200     try:
--> 201       return target(*args, **kwargs)
    202     except (TypeError, ValueError):
    203       # Note: convert_to_eager_tensor currently raises a ValueError, not a

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/special_math_ops.py in einsum(equation, *inputs, **kwargs)
    749       - number of inputs or their shapes are inconsistent with `equation`.
    750   """
--> 751   return _einsum_v2(equation, *inputs, **kwargs)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/special_math_ops.py in _einsum_v2(equation, *inputs, **kwargs)
   1178       if ellipsis_label:
   1179         resolved_equation = resolved_equation.replace(ellipsis_label, '...')
-> 1180       return gen_linalg_ops.einsum(inputs, resolved_equation)
   1182     # Send fully specified shapes to opt_einsum, since it cannot handle unknown

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/gen_linalg_ops.py in einsum(inputs, equation, name)
   1074       return _result
   1075     except _core._NotOkStatusException as e:
-> 1076       _ops.raise_from_not_ok_status(e, name)
   1077     except _core._FallbackException:
   1078       pass

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ops.py in raise_from_not_ok_status(e, name)
   6860   message = e.message + (" name: " + name if name is not None else "")
   6861   # pylint: disable=protected-access
-> 6862   six.raise_from(core._status_to_exception(e.code, message), None)
   6863   # pylint: enable=protected-access

/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/six.py in raise_from(value, from_value)

InvalidArgumentError: cannot compute Einsum as input #1(zero-based) was expected to be a int64 tensor but is a float tensor [Op:Einsum]

I also just sent you my code in a private msg here. Hopefully it will be easier for our discussion!

Yes, it’s rather confusing.
Keep in mind that:

  • in the scope of the Transformer, the input_sentence and output_sentence refer to the Encoder,
  • the Decoder has two inputs - one is the original sentence, and the other is the output of the Encoder,
  • and the output of the Decoder is the “decoder output”, when then passes through a final Dense with softmax.

Please do not send me your code unless I ask to see it.
Debugging your code is your task, regardless of how difficult it may be.

I figured it out during a shower! Thanks