I have a trouble merging lstm_cell_backward in lstm_backward because the former requires dc_next but the latter exercise(lstm_backward) does not provide it. Maybe I have missed something. Please advise me.
Thanks, Youngha
I have a trouble merging lstm_cell_backward in lstm_backward because the former requires dc_next but the latter exercise(lstm_backward) does not provide it. Maybe I have missed something. Please advise me.
Thanks, Youngha
How did you solve this in rnn_backward?
You see that da_prev is da_next for the previous timestep. The same is true for dc_prev and dc_next.
I got that part but I have an broadcast error calling lstm_cell_backward apparently from the argument da[:,:,t]+da_prevt. I couldn’t figure out the reason yet.
Your call looks correct, so maybe you have a problem where you update da_prevt, which gives incompatible dimensions.
you’re right but I don’t understand because Wf^T * dft gave the dimension as [8, 10]. That makes sense from 8 = 5 + 3, where n_a = 5, and n_x = 3. Wf was extracted by parameters[“Wf”]. Maybe eq. 19 was not correct?
Can I have a look at your implementation?
{moderator edit - solution code removed}
Can you also supply lstm_backward(da, caches)
{moderator edit - solution code removed}
Oh my bad. Thank you so much. It was the last one assignment that I was working on.
Doesn’t that instruction seem unclear or wrong though? like what is W[:,: na] is it missing a comma or is there something I’m unaware of?
I’ve replied to your original post. Kindly check it here.