All previous tests are passed, and I think my code is correct. I read some topics regarding problems with dimensions, but they did not fix my problem.
tf.math.argmax (x = tf.math.argmax(x,axis=-1)) is not returning the dimensions it should and I do not understand why:
after argmax: (None, 1) , must be (None,)
after one_hot: (None, 1, 90) , must be (None, 90)
Since the “1” gets added, the function raises the following error in the line “x = RepeatVector(1)(x)”:
ValueError: Input 0 of layer repeat_vector is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=2, found ndim=3. Full shape received: [None, 1, 90]
What might be incorrect?
Kind regards,
Hi, @Sara_Valiente !
Try with tf.squeeze , as it is shown in the Tensorflow documentation.
I think that tf.squeeze(output, 1)
should return what you want in the one-hot encoding vector
Hello @alvaroramajo !
Thank you for your help; I inserted the tf.squeeze in the argamax argument instead, since I think that was the root of the problem, and now the function appears to be working well. However, I still get an error one cell after, in the comparator. Any clue why that might be happening?
I’ll paste my code for clarity.
{moderator edit - solution code removed}
Thank you in advance!
@Sara_Valiente please check what size does x variable have before RepeatVector(1) and try to use tf.squeeze
there to get the tensor size you want
April 24, 2022, 3:22pm
tf.squeeze() is not needed in this assignment.
April 24, 2022, 3:24pm
The problem is you’re using the wrong parameter when you call tf.math.argmax().
The instructions say:
# Select the next value according to "out",
That was it! What a silly mistake. Thank you both @alvaroramajo @TMosh !!