Cannot open any labs

I cannot open any labs related to the Custom and Distributed Training with TensorFlow course in Week 3, but I can open labs from other courses, including Week 1 or 2 of this course. The loading process stops at 50%, and an error message appears, saying, ‘We’re having trouble preparing your lab,’ after a while

Exact same problem for me.

Please try clearing your browsing history and cache history from your local computer and try again.

Does it mentions anything why it is why having trouble preparing your lab??

Does your internet connectivity is good currently. You need to check all this.

Another issue can be as these assignment use google Colab, make sure there is enough space in your google drive.


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"I think everything is fine on my side. I double-checked everything.

It remains stuck like this for a while before the error I mentioned earlier.
Ekran görüntüsü 2023-09-15 131418

Hi all,

Kindly follow this post for updates regarding this issue.


Thank you @Mubsi for looking into this.