Cell #11. Can't compile the student's code. Error: NameError("name 'dt' is not defined",)

Getting the error Cell #11. Can’t compile the student’s code. Error: NameError(“name ‘dt’ is not defined”,)
but passed all the notebook checkpoints. Thanks for any help!

Hi @gautamaltman,

Can you share your lab ID with me ? In the assignment, when you click the top right “Help” button, a panel will open and your lab ID will be shown at the bottom.
I shall take a look.

When you reply back, kindly tag me in the post so that I’m notified.


Hi @Mubsi ,
Thank you so kindly for taking a look. My lab id is fklzhsuf

best regards

@Mubsi, I was able to fix the issue by commenting out the 11th code block where this assignment is made in the notebook provided code:
#y_train_preds = dt.predict_proba(X_train_dropped)[:, 1]

the problem is that nowhere is this value dt defined, but I believe it tells us that it is supposed to be provided. If I comment out the 2 assignments to the non-existent dt, my notebook passes. But this will be an issue for more people.

Hi @gautamaltman,

This screenshot is taken from the assignment:

And this is the screenshot taken from your version of the assignment:

As you can see, in your assignment the code cell initialising the variable dt some how accidentally became part of the markdown, which was why the grader was throwing the error as that part of code was not being run.
