Hello @JJaassoonn, very well said! The expected value is the average of all the trials/samples. With a very small sample size, the average you get would have a larger deviation from the true mean. With sufficient samples, the deviation becomes smaller. With infinite samples, the deviation is close to 0.
We say the device generates samples for a variable V_i that follows the gaussian distribution of N(1.7, 1.), and the expected value of V_i is 1.7. Here, I want to make sure you know that, during all this time discussing about the device, we are only dealing one variable. A sample is NOT a variable. OK? The variable follows a distribution, and we generate samples from those distribution. If you are not sure, you may want to google some readings with keywords like “statitics variables vs samples”.
I remember we have discussed in the DLS/MLS forums, so I trust you can find yourself a Python environment. I would like you to study and run the following code, and make sure you see the difference by progressively changing the size
parameter from 10 to 100, to 1000, to 10000, and so on. I also trust you can find explanations to any library function used on the Internet, so I did not add comments about that.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
rng = np.random.default_rng(10)
samples = rng.normal(loc=0., scale=1., size=10)
f'Mean and variance of the samples: {samples.mean()}, {samples.var()}'
plt.hist(samples, bins=100)
Please take your time playing with the codes.
Coming back to the central limit theorem lecture, can you write another piece of code that demonstrates the content of the lecture?
I mean, you know what the theorem is about from the lecture. You know how to have a variable to generate samples in Python. You know how to plot the distribution to see if anything shows a normal distribution.
This is not going to be easy, so please take your time. I would like to see what you will get us, and then we will move on from there.