Certificate fee

If the specialization is completed within the 14-day trial period, would one have to pay for the certificate?

Yes. I did this, and thought I’d get my certificate at the end, but am still waiting for my “7-day free trial to end” even though I thought it would be a 14-day trial. I’ll keep you updated when I receive my certificate.

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I suppose the trial period doesn’t allow you to do assignment, so you cannot get certificate in trial period completion.

Refer the Learner helper section which provides details about trial period information in Coursera.


I completed all assignments and quizzes on the free trial.

I think paying the fee is required to get the certificate.
But I may be mistaken.

once you pay the fee at the end of trial, that’s when you would get certificate.

by any means certification is provided by coursera, so I recommend you to raise your this query in the Learner Help Center.


Coursera has changed the audit rules, no more free certificate passed in audits…

Please note that pre-enrollment for the GenAI4SD courses and full professional certificate ended on Wednesday, September 25th at 8 AM PT. Anyone attempting to enroll after this date will only be eligible for the standard Coursera 7-day trial for new users.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


In my case, I pre-enrolled in the first 2 courses in the sequence within the timeframe allowed. Does this mean that upon completion of all the 3 courses, I will be issued a certificate of GenAI4SD specialization?

Secondly, was pre-enrolling in one of the 3 courses same as pre-enrolling for the whole specialization or did one have to pre-enroll separately for each one in order to avail the 14-day free period?

Hi. I have a doubt regarding the certificates. I had pre-enrolled for the program. I have a Coursera Plus Annual Membership but I see that none of Deeplearning.AI courses are not covered in Coursera Plus.

Do I get the GenAI4SD Specialization certificate if I finish in the Pre-Enrollment Trial period or will the certificate be issues only when I pay the Subscription fee when the free cycle ends at Oct 9. What happens to the specialization if I cancel subscription before trial if I completed all 3 courses.

I am showing that I am still being charge and I absolutely enrolled before this deadline. Who do I talk to resolve this? Not fair for those who specifically wanted to take advantage of what was advertised and we are still being charged.

I recommend you contact the Coursera Help Center.


@Nadir_Jumani @TMosh I pre-enrolled in the course but can’t access my certificate through the web interface in the Accomplishment section.

However, after installing the Coursera Android app on my phone, I was able to download the PDF certificate. I went to the Achievements section and used the URL from the Share button to obtain the PDF from the site.

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There appear to have been some issues with how Coursera handled the pre-enrollment for this course.

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