CNN Week 4 Assignment 1, Excercise 1 Issue with Shape

Good evening. I am working on the first problem of the Week 4 of the CNN course.

I received this outcome:

loss = tf.Tensor(527.2598, shape=(), dtype=float32)

Now, it is not raising an error, but when I turn in the assignment, it is (I believe) counting it incorrect. Is the error because it is not just a singular scalar value? If so, what does the “shape=()” mean and what could be causing this error?

Thank you,

Which function are you working on?
(update - oops, I was looking in Week 1…)
I found it, “triplet_loss()”.

Your result is correct. It’s a tensor that is a scalar float - which I interpret to mean that its shape is null.

So, that makes sense. However, I am looking at the other excercises, and it seems as if I have them all correct, but I am still getting a 66% on the assignment. The only other thing I can think of is on the third excercise, I recieved the following output:

it’s younes, the distance is 0.5992949
it’s younes, the distance is 0.5992949
it’s younes, the distance is 0.0

Perhaps the last line is incorrect?

Thank you,

Those values are correct.

Well, then here are my outputs for Excercise 2:

It’s bertrand, welcome in!
It’s bertrand, welcome in!
It’s not younes, please go away
It’s not younes, please go away
It’s younes, welcome in!


(0.5992949, True)

If these are correct, then I don’t know why I am only getting 66%

All those values are correct also.
Does the grader output tell you which functions didn’t pass?