I’ve used a for-loop for converting the predictions to 0 and 1. I’d be interested to know what the vectorized solution looks like.
Hi, Ivana.
There are several ways to implement a vectorized solution for this in numpy. A sophisticated way would be to use the np.where function (google “numpy where”). But I like the straightforward approach of doing a direct Boolean comparison of an array with a scalar. Create a new cell in your notebook (“Insert → Cell Below”) and copy/paste this code and try it:
A = np.random.rand(3,4)
print("A = " + str(A))
B = (A > 0.7)
print("B = " + str(B))
C = B.astype(float)
print("C = " + str(C))
D = (A > 0.7).astype(float)
print("D = " + str(D))
That’s not a direct solution to your problem, but using that idea you can write this in one simple and expressive line of python code with no loop required.
Thanks very much! I’ll try it