Hi i am getting an error while trying to submit my practice lab for week 1 in the second course. I am new to machine learning and dont understand what went wrong. The photo of the error is below.
Hi @Think
is the cell#9 a grade cell?
I am suspecting there was some editing done to a non-grade cell leading to this error.
You error is basically stating the model.summary could not get 3 layers instead got 0 because you used len function to get layer output.
So in case if you have used the below instruction mentioned in the assignment
It is also possible to add an input layer that specifies the input dimension of the first layer. For example:
tf.keras.Input(shape=(400,)), #specify input shape
and still are getting this error, what you could do is get a fresh copy, and re-do the assignment by only writing codes between ###START and END CODE HERE###
Do not edit, add or delete any other part of the codes or non-grade cells mentioned after any grade cell, as they are your test cell which would grade if your recall codes in grade cells were recalled correctly.
Thanks alot, I reset the notebook and it worked. I must have accidently edited one of the non-grade cells.