Hi, dear colleagues
I have problems with the cell called
“# GRADED FUNCTION: update_parameters_with_momentum”
To my understanding the formula I have to implement is this:
V_dW(i) = beta * V_dW(i-1) + (1-beta) * dW(i)
Consequently for i = 1 I have the problem, that there is a V_dW(i=0) needed which doesn’t exist.
So to my view there should be a V_dW(i=0) provided. But it wasn’t.
Please explain …
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
Also note that there may be a python syntax issue there. If you use parens, it thinks you are making a function call. If what you really meant was to index a list, array or dictionary, then you must use square brackets, right?
If you say dW(0) it thinks you are calling a function dW and passing it the argument 0. If dW is a dictionary or a numpy array, that will not end well.