Course 2: Week 2 : "Denied permission issue"

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay.

Kindly try this:

  1. From the blank notebook, click File -> Open.
  2. Tick the running notebook.
  3. Click Shutdown then Duplicate.
  4. Rename the old notebook (any filename).
  5. Rename the duplicate with the original filename (basically, just remove the -Copy1 string).
  6. Open this newly renamed notebook.
  7. You should be able to save this and also see the submit button after a minute.

You “might see an error about checkpoints failing. I think that’s okay because that’s related to the permissions of the hidden .ipynb_checkpoints folder. That is not needed for grading as far as I know. The changes should persist in the actual notebook itself even if they see that error. I submitted the notebook and got the expected grade.”

@Emanuel_Gallo @Mohamed_Moustafa @carlos_guia


PS: Wait a minute. You fill face a duplicate failed error. We informed the course staff about Duplicate failed. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi, folks!

@Emanuel_Gallo @Mohamed_Moustafa @carlos_guia

If this temporary hack didn’t work for you, kindly refer to that post. You will need to submit your info as mentioned there.


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