Course 2 Week 2 Programming Assignment random_minibatch

Any help!

Hi @Gerie_knu

Please make sure that you used the parameters that sent to you in function random_mini_batches(), and the local varaibles to make your code generalize over all test cases

Best Regards,

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Note that there are at least three different tests there: two that you can see in the notebook and one that you can’t see, but is in the file Both the tests you can see have m = 148 and mini_batch_size = 64. The test you can’t see has m = 7 and mini_batch_size = 2. You pass the tests that you can see, but fail the ones you can’t see. Note that the test checks three things and you pass the first, but that is just a “datatype” check, so passing that doesn’t really tell you much.

You can read the other test by clicking “File → Open” and then opening the file

My guess is that you are hard-coding something about the sizes in your logic, so that it happens to work when m = 148 and batch size = 64.

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