I am getting a weird error when running my code with a numpy array to calculate the mean (mu) and the variance (var) in the assignment. I am not sure how to debug this, as my code calculates the values properly. I have no clue what the stack trace is reporting, let alone this line:
AssertionError: Wrong value for mu. Expected: [1, 2, 3] got: [1. 2. 0.]
Here is the unit test results:
mu[0]: 14.1122257839456
mu[1]: 14.99771050813621
sum_var0/m 562.6178439428168 307 1.8326314134945172
sum_var1/m 524.891816564435 307 1.7097453308287784
var[0]: 1.8326314134945172
var[1]: 1.7097453308287784
Mean of each feature: [14.11222578 14.99771051 0. ]
Variance of each feature: [1.83263141 1.70974533 0. ]
mu[0]: 1.0
mu[1]: 2.0
sum_var0/m 0.0 3 0.0
sum_var1/m 0.0 3 0.0
var[0]: 0.0
var[1]: 0.0
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-485cf4fdd5ec> in <module>
8 from public_tests import *
----> 9 estimate_gaussian_test(estimate_gaussian)
~/work/public_tests.py in estimate_gaussian_test(target)
44 assert type(var) == np.ndarray, f"Wrong shape for var. Expected: {(X.shape[1],)} got: {var.shape}"
---> 46 assert np.allclose(mu, [1., 2., 3.]), f"Wrong value for mu. Expected: {[1, 2, 3]} got: {mu}"
47 assert np.allclose(var, [0., 0., 0.]), f"Wrong value for var. Expected: {[0, 0, 0]} got: {var}"
AssertionError: Wrong value for mu. Expected: [1, 2, 3] got: [1. 2. 0.]
Here’s how I defined my numpy arrays at the top of the program:
mu = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=float)
var = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=float)
Feel free to reply if you have any idea