Hi, in the first part of assignment 1, in “conv_single_step” I encounter with ‘datatype mismatch’ and ‘wrong shape’ errors ( 1 test passed, 2 failed) , I can’t find where the problem is. please someone help me.
I used np.multiply -->np.sum then astype function to cast b before adding to the Z, but I just encounter with the errors!
- Do not post your code on the Forums. That breaks the course Honor Code. Please edit your post and remove your code. Thank you.
- Check whether you have the order of the arguments correct in the multiply operation. This is often the cause of “wrong shape” errors.
Sorry about that.
I’m not sure I understand what you said! both of W and a_slice_prev are in the same shape and in doesn’t matter which one be located firstly in np.mutiply because it’s elementwise product.
Good point, sorry that was my mistake. I was reading the wrong line of the notebook comments.
Try using np.float(b) instead of astype.
If that doesn’t help, then:
- use “Kernel” and “Restart and clear output”
- then use “Cell” and Run All.
Also, have you updated your Notebook to the current version?
It was updated on May 21.
I’m sorry but I did everything that you said, I still have the same problem!
the only detail that I haven’t mentioned is setting axis=None and Keepdims=True, also I think there isn’t any problem with them.
it’s some simple lines of codes but I have no idea where the problem could have been.
don’t you have any another guideline?!
No, sorry, I don’t have any other suggestions.
I do have one thought. Are you sure that “axis=None” and “Keepdims= True” are correct?
Thank you, it helps alot