hello i not abler to open my assignment and i have a problem with cell 16 not run about insert audio clip unit test
This assignment was just updated today.
You can get your previous notebook by opening the file with the date code from the “File → Open” menu.
Please try optimizing the efficiency of your solution and submit again. You can also visit the discussion forum to see if your peers have experienced and found resolutions for similar errors, or if course staff have provided prior guidance for these errors… If the error isn’t resolved in 24 hours, please reach out to Coursera through our Help Center.
i received this message while all code run normaly still im facing an technical issue in grade
Sometimes this error means your code has an infinite loop that is triggered by the data set the grader uses.
There is grading error occur during the submission of this programming assignment and it keep persist from last 5 days.
I updated the lab also reboot the server and resubmit it many times but it still persist now what do I do??
The grader seems to be working fine.
What detailed feedback do you get from the grader?
Please post a screen capture image.