I’m stuck with the following error and i’m unable to debug it.
PS: I’m new to TF. Please help.
I don’t know what kind of value inside ‘value’ but, you can use .lower() with strings. Did you try for loop ?
Than you, Omer. I think the error is pointing to the happy model definition. More specifically, here:
tf.keras.layers.ZeroPadding2D(padding=(3,3), data_format=(64,64,3)),
I don’t know where i’m going wrong.
data_format = value.lower() # Error happens here.
“value” variable is a tuple object.
data_format = [v.lower() for v in value]
for v in value:
data_format = v.lower()
First you can use tfl instead of tf.keras.layers because it’s already imported in the first place
Second you need to set tfl.ZeroPadding2D(padding=(3,3), input_shape=(64,64,3)) (input_shape not the data_format)
Why are you using a “data_format” argument?
Thank you for your reply. I realised my error. I’ve corrected my code.
I’m glad to hear that