Thank you. The values (stride, pad, f, W, bias, and A_prev) are NOT set by me. I think this is the 8th filter in the first programming assignment coming from the grader code: conv_forward_test() from
I just printed the values so I can ask the question. So, we do agree that for the given A-Prev, pad, stride, and f, the expected n_H is wrong? This would mean a bug in the grader code.
The assertion is expecting:
70 assert Z_shape[1] == 9, f"n_H is wrong. Current: {Z_shape[1]}. Expected: 9"
71 assert Z_shape[2] == 11, f"n_W is wrong. Current: {Z_shape[2]}. Expected: 11"
Also, re: your comment: “Your value for stride is wrong, should be 2.”
Please note that the test taker is not setting the stride. The stride I printed is what was passed on from the testing script.