coursera-ai-for-medicine-specialization/AI for Medical Diagnosis/Week 3

In the final assignment of week 3, how did he preprocess the data and convert it into .h5 file?


The convertion of saved model to h5 format is done by calling model.save_weights() and passing in the path and file name to save the weights to with an h5 extension.


base_dir = HOME_DIR + “processed/”
with open(base_dir + “config.json”) as json_file:
config = json.load(json_file)

Get generators for training and validation sets

train_generator = util.VolumeDataGenerator(config[“train”], base_dir + “train/”, batch_size=3, dim=(160, 160, 16), verbose=0)
valid_generator = util.VolumeDataGenerator(config[“valid”], base_dir + “valid/”, batch_size=3, dim=(160, 160, 16), verbose=0)

We need to perform these line of codes first before saving right? so what will be in json file ? I can’t save the weights before fitting the data into the model. If you could provide me the code, it will be of great help.
