Create_model: Unable to find object required for grading in your code

Hi, I have a problem with Week 2: Tackle Overfitting with Data Augmentation. I pass the accuracy and error requirements but when I submit the assignment I receive a 75% grade because in the create_model function I have 0/50 points and the explanations refer to: Could not find the object required for the grade in your code.

I don’t understand what object I forgot to add.

Get the augmentation layers with the previous function added
Tf.keras.Input added
At least three convolution layers added
Rescaling added
Agumentation_layers between input and rescaling added

you need to share a screenshot of the grader output with show grader output

Here the screenshot of the grader output

did you by any chance did editing anything outside the markers ###START AND END CODE HERE### ?

Usually such grader output comes when you have removed the header such as

GRADER FUNCTION create_model

if you have done, get a fresh copy and re-do your assignment, making sure not to delete/edit anything outside of the markers ###START AND END CODE HERE###

As far as I know, I have not edit anything outside of the markers because I compared to original version in GitHub and it’s the same… but just in case, how do I get a new empty version of the file and rewrite it again?

Already corrected! Thanks Deepti

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