Data sharing permission


I understand that we can download the notebooks and dataset in this course and modify and/or run it in our own machine. But are we allowed to share them in GitHub? I am planning to approach the problem of imputing missing values in a different way using R, then upload my work (the modified code and the data) in GitHub. I will certainly give credit to DeepLearning.AI.

I am pretty sure we have the permission to download our own pollutant data from the RMCAB website, but I could not find the stations_loc.csv in that website. That is why I’m posting this question.


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I believe this is discussed in the Code of Conduct:

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Hi @leesstephanie,

As per the Code of Conduct which @TMosh shared, you are allowed to do what you are proposing, as long as you are citing us. In that regards, I’d like for you to share that repo with me.


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