- Module : Data Storage and queries
- week 3 : Advanced sql queries
- Description : completed the assignment 3 completely with query results as expected , even completed the optional part , still did not get the grades correctly .
- also checked to make sure the column names are as per the expected results
Hello @ami_il,
You need to check that the outputs are identical not just the column names, like capital letters and spaces.
Another thing sensitive to the grader is the cell tag. It checks the cells with tags, ex01 ex02 etc. You can right click inside the cell and add it if missing. Hope it helps
Hi Georgios ,
Thanks for responding ,
Yes the output is as expected ( hence went ahead and checked the details for the column names to make sure they match ,spaces, caps etc).
Also checked the tags , they exists , but some how for ex05, ex06 its still not giving me the grades.
Pls help
Hello @ami_il,
Could youo check you are getting this output for exercise 6, what is your output for 5?:
Can you check my over all grades for this assignment as its showing me 85 , and for ex05 and 06 its showing me 0 our of the 5 and 10 points respectively
Your output is slightly different than mine in the amount column for ex05. Could you check for any mistakes, I will try to reproduce it
I could reproduce the error, it seems you are using MAX instead of SUM. Could you fix that and try again thanks
Hi Georgios ,
Thanks for pointing that out , yes I used max value in query instead of sum .
Hence it was picking the max value and not sum , and so the values differed.