Dataset Partitioning Not Working

Course : Federated Fine-tuning of LLMs with Private Data

None of the load_datset steps are working also tried updating datasets python module but didnt help.

Federated Fine Tuning for LLMs: Following step is erroring out

partitioner = IidPartitioner(num_partitions=cfg.flower.num_clients)
fds = FederatedDataset(,
partitioners={“train”: partitioner}

partition_zero = fds.load_partition(0)


“following step is erroring out”

Can you provide more information? A screen capture image that shows the error message would be helpful.

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I get the same error. any solution to this ?

Some discussion here: Huggingface dataset install - #2 by John6666 - 🤗Datasets - Hugging Face Forums

But we can’t install updates in course environment, so perhaps just copy and run the code locally until the staff fixes this