Can someone point where the wrong with my code, it seems the output match but the grader pointed there a test failed.
W1 = [[-0.59562069 -0.09991781 -2.14584584 1.82662008]
[-1.76569676 -0.80627147 0.51115557 -1.18258802]
[-1.0535704 -0.86128581 0.68284052 2.20374577]]
b1 = [[-0.04659241]
[ 0.53405496]]
W2 = [[-0.55569196 0.0354055 1.32964895]]
b2 = [[-0.84610769]]
Error: Wrong output for variable W1.
Error: Wrong output for variable b1.
Error: Wrong output for variable W2.
Error: Wrong output for variable b2.
2 Tests passed
1 Tests failed
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-177-e0da3f3aab9d> in <module>
7 print ("b2 = "+ str(t_parameters["b2"]))
----> 9 update_parameters_test(update_parameters)
~/work/release/W4A1/ in update_parameters_test(target)
501 ]
502 #print(target(*test_cases[2]["input"]))
--> 503 multiple_test(test_cases, target)
~/work/release/W4A1/ in multiple_test(test_cases, target)
140 print('\033[92m', success," Tests passed")
141 print('\033[91m', len(test_cases) - success, " Tests failed")
--> 142 raise AssertionError("Not all tests were passed for {}. Check your equations and avoid using global variables inside the function.".format(target.__name__))
AssertionError: Not all tests were passed for update_parameters. Check your equations and avoid using global variables inside the function.
Expected output:
W1 = [[-0.59562069 -0.09991781 -2.14584584 1.82662008]
[-1.76569676 -0.80627147 0.51115557 -1.18258802]
[-1.0535704 -0.86128581 0.68284052 2.20374577]]
b1 = [[-0.04659241]
[ 0.53405496]]
W2 = [[-0.55569196 0.0354055 1.32964895]]
b2 = [[-0.84610769]]