I tried to follow the instructions below on Downloading Notebook, Downloading your Workspace. I can download .ipynb or .py files, however, I have trouble to open any of those files. What applications I need to install in my PC first, so that I can open those files in my laptop in the same format shown in Courser Lab?
In addition, is there a way to download all files in one go after selected all, or it has to be downloaded one by one?
The top of each notebook has a tab labeled “Lab Files”, i believe that is the name.
Click on it and you get a “Download all files” link.
There are many programming environments you can use with Jupyter notebooks. I’ve heard of students using VSCode, Google Colab, various flavors of Anaconda, etc.
But I caution you against that, because the course assignments are set up to specifically work with Coursera Labs and the set of assets and package versions it has installed.
This makes installing your own environment very challenging. The mentors do not provide support for that.
When you work on a notebook on your own environment, you pretty much cannot take it back into Coursera Labs for grading. The internal metadata will become scrambled and the Coursera grader becomes very unhappy.
(Update from me, four months later) The UI on some of the courses has changed, so the links to download the files may be in a different location now).
Thank you so much for your prompt response. I just wanted to download the notebooks and python files for further study and future reference post completing the course.
As you can see from my download folder in my laptop, i can only open .ipynb from the notepad which is not the same style as Jupyter notebooks, and I can not even open the .py files as it just pops up a blank flash then nothing happened. (nothing open)
I suspect some applications missed in my laptop to support those format? Any suggestions would be much appreciated?