Downloading notebooks and environments

Hi, Barb.

There are several layers of issues here. There are no coherent instructions for doing this. Of course if you want to play this kind of game, it requires a certain amount of resourcefulness on your part. There are no end of problems that you can potentially encounter and (since this is not within the scope of any of these courses) it’s not reasonable to expect the mentors (who are unpaid fellow student volunteers) to be your personal IT support staff.

With that said, there are some pre-existing threads that should get you started.

The first issue is that you need more than just the notebooks. Most of them have ancillary local files as well. Here’s a thread that shows one approach for how to download everything.

The second big set of issues looks more relevant to the particular problem you show, which is that “versionitis” is a huge problem. All these spaces (python in general, support packages, TF, PyTorch, yadda, yadda) are highly dynamic over time. You need a way to duplicate the exact versions of all the installed packages that are expected by the particular notebook in question. Anaconda is a tool specifically engineered to support that. They have excellent documentation on their website (hint, hint :nerd_face:). Here is a thread which discusses for one of the DLS courses a bit about how to use “pip” and Anaconda to duplicate versions.

I wish you good luck on this adventure! It is highly likely that you will learn a lot in the process. :scream_cat:

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