Error after submit, how to fix that error?

I checked a lot of my codes, its true, but i get a error when i submit. who know what is error and how to fix it?.
Thank you very much!

can you send screenshot of codes of the test cell you fail by personal DM. click on my name and then message.

Don’t post codes here.

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hi @LoiNguyen1

For code line instruction

Get the value in the row that is below the pivot value. Remember that, since you are dealing only with non-singular matrices, the pivot is in the main diagonal.
Therefore, the values in row j that are below the pivot, must have column index the same index as the column index for the pivot.
value_below_pivot = **If you notice the last instruction tell value below pivot must same index as the column index, so mentioning j first does it mean it is column index for pivot? it is first row and then column but your code mention reverse.

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