Error: creating Glue Catalog Database (de_c4w4a2_transform_db)

Error: creating Glue Catalog Database (de_c4w4a2_transform_db): operation error Glue: CreateDatabase, https response error StatusCode: 400, RequestID: 508aadb8-7c99-465c-b890-1e9b69900711, AlreadyExistsException: Database already exists.

When I move to run terraform. I get access denied but I am checked the policies and everything seemed to be configured correctly.

Please help. Thanks in advance

Hello @Mafasa
Can you please specify after which command you get the error Error: creating Glue Catalog Database (de_c4w4a2_transform_db): ...?
There are two different transform jobs, one for the songs and one for the json. Please, provide screenshots from your issue if possible.

When i run terraform on target transform json and I also check the script where I only needed to modify the ingestion date.

If still unclear I will provide you with screenshots later on

Issue fixed. I ran terraform apply instead module by module

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In my case the problem continues even when I apply the terraform apply instead module by module, @Amir_Zare

I think you need to do terraform apply -target instead terraform apply for all targets at one time

had a similar issue when I have run “terraform apply” and it crashed the terminal
so it seems like terraform already created that db, but the existence was not registered
so I needed to go to “AWS GLUE” > “Database Catalog” > “Databases” and remove the db which was already there
After deletion of that df, “terraform apply” worked fine then for me