Error : Failed to execute submission request

in week 2, i tried to submit my solution and this appeared. What to do ?

I just submitted one of the GANs C2 assignments and did not get this error. Were you able to submit the W1 assignment or assignments in GANs C1 successfully? If yes, then what has changed? This error sounds like some kind of IT problem, e.g. your connection is being proxied or the like, but you can’t proxy an SSL connection. Just on general principles, it’s always worth logging out of Coursera, clearing your browser cache and then logging back in and trying again. But if that doesn’t work, do you have the ability to use a VPN to access Coursera? That would be the next thing to try.

The other possibility is that you are connecting to a different AWS cluster than I am and things are broken in the Coursera instance there. Usually problems of that sort will be noticed from the error logs and eventually corrected, but it can take hours.

But the difficulty here is that it’s essentially impossible for us to debug IT problem on your side.