Error implementing yolo_non_max_suppression but output seems to be correct

  • Week 3 lab
    yolo_non_max_suppression I am getting an error but when I run the code the numbers seems to give the correct answer
iou: 0.22780233025311375
scores: [0.855]
boxes: [[0.45 0.2 1.01 2.6 ]]
classes: [0]

AssertionError: Wrong value on scores [0.855]

Expected Output :

iou between boxes: 0.22780233025311375
scores [0.855]
boxes: [[0.45 0.20 1.01 2.60 ]]
classes: [0

scores is clearly the expected output so why I am getting an error?

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This is not the same it seems as the expected, perhaps you are not using the right activation function at the output layer!